Thursday, November 11, 2010

"What's In Your Hand?"

This is what the Lord said to Moses when he doubted that he could be effective in ministry. (Exodus 4:2) God then use a very ordinary thing that Moses was holding, a shepherd's staff. So often we think we need the latest and greatest idea or ministry tool to be effective. We are blessed at ETS with many items some people might consider obsolete, but which still are very useful around the world.

Do you remember mimeograph machines? They use ink and stencils to do printing even without the benefit of electricity! We just shipped the last 2 we had last week to Liberia. These may have been some of the last ones available anywhere! Sixty year old technology will be just what is needed in this African country. We included with the mimeographs a number of sets of encyclopedias and some dot matrix printers (remember them?) for use in schools.

We are often amazed at God's timing and provision of appropriate resources. We had a donation of IV tubing with a three way stop cock. We kept it thinking it could be used as primary tubing anywhere. The very next day, a mission team came looking for surgical supplies, and this tubing was a perfect fit for their needs.

It is always a challenge to find resources inexpensively for the missions we support. Some times it requires traveling to pick up items purchased at auctions, research to know what is coming up for sale and who is interested in these items. It requires making contact with mission organizations as well as individual missionaries. It takes time, resources and perseverance to drive the 500 mile radius that ETS covers searching for ways to stretch the missionary dollar.

So we challenge you..."What's in your hand?" What has God entrusted you with that you can use to help other ministries? We thank you for your faithful support and prayers as we approach our 2oth year of ministry. We are truly thankful for your help.

Charlie and Kathy