Friday, October 26, 2007

November 2007

Dear Friends and Family,

October was a busy month here at ETS. We were able to complete 3 containers. The last container went to Peru for victims of an earthquake. We were able to send clothing, shoes, blankets, tents, and food. Each container takes a lot of planning, staging, and volunteers to do the actual loading. We were pleased to have volunteers from the Pleasant Valley Church of the Brethren to help us load. The rain was much needed but did slow things up considerably.

Charlie came down with “a bug of some sort” that made him extremely dizzy and caused him to be nauseated. . Our country roads have a lot of rolling hills and dips so he was very pale and retching by the time we got to the doctor’s office. He is currently on medication that seems to be helping but he is impatient to be back at full strength. We would appreciate your prayers for his health.

We are looking forward to having Emma and Becky come for a visit November 17—27th. Jerry will be working so it’s just the girls coming. Emma has mastered crawling since we have last seen her and of course continues to get even cuter (not that I’m biased in any way!) We are hoping that Auntie Suzy and the Uncles will be home for Thanksgiving so we can have the family together.

We are thankful for your prayers and support during one of the hardest years we have had in a long while. We marvel at God’s faithfulness to us despite the hardships and detours. We have gone through two surgeries, a car accident, replacing the car, physical therapy, and illness. Our faith as been stretched time and time again and we rejoice at God’s perfect provisions for us.

In this season for giving thanks we want to “Thank you ….our faithful partners for your love , support and most of all your prayers.”


Charlie and Kathy Bennetch


Anonymous said...

I stumbled upon your blog - loved how you out God so high and thanked him for everything.
Bless you