Monday, February 15, 2010

What do Valentine’s Day,Chinese New Year, and Charlie’s 60th birthday have in common? If you said, “They all fall within a day of each other and are cause for celebration“,then give yourself a pat on the back for coming up with the right answer. If you know Charlie well, you will know that he loves Chinese food and considers himself to have some knowledge in every area of life. So with a lot of help from the kids we had a Chinese 60th birthday celebration for him complete with Chinese food,decorations, poppers, mock sushi, and fortune cookies with personalized ““Charlie “isms” .

Traditionally, Chinese people do not pay much attention to birthdays until they reach 60 years of age. The 60th birthday is regarded as an important milestone in life and therefore is often a big celebration. After the 60th birthday, a celebration is held every 10 years. Generally, the older the person is, the more elaborate the celebration. After the 60th birthday, a celebration is held every 10 years. (Charlie says, that’s ok with him too!)

In Chinese culture, 60 years completes a life cycle and 61 is regarded as the beginning of a new life cycle . Suzy, Tim and Oscar came home and helped with the decorations, food, and especially the fortune cookies and mock sushi. Andy had done some shopping with Tim in China Town for lanterns , decorations and chop sticks.

According to traditional custom, parents are offered foods with auspicious connotations. Eggs and long noodles symbolize longevity. So I made some Chinese long noodles and egg drop soup before serving Chinese takeout of Sesame Chicken and Sweet and Sour Chicken. We were joined by our neighbors and good friends Beckie and Mike Fitzgerald.

Suzy had written and replaced the fortunes in 60 fortune cookies that make Charlie laugh every time he breaks one open. There are many expressions that he uses all the time and sayings the kids heard him use while growing up. Who says growing old can’t be fun? Wish you could have joined us.

Mock Sushi

Charlie used to really like Sushi (till he found out you could get intestinal parasites from eating raw fish.) So we decided to surprise him with a dessert Sushi made from Rice Krispy treats, a gummy worm and rolled in a fruit roll up. It was a big hit at Charlie's birthday party and no one accidentally put Wasabi on them.

Thank you for your love and support throughout the years. We appreciate hearing from you and being able to share your burdens and health issues. We enjoy celebrating your events and rejoice over your victories . Thank you for the gift of your friendship and trust.

We love you and look forward to hearing from you. Charlie and Kathy Bennetch