Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Prayer....It works for hearing aids too

Last Friday evening Charlie noticed that he had lost one of his hearing aids. He was wearing a stocking cap and had taken it off and on throughout the day. We could only conclude that it must have fallen out of his ear while adjusting his cap. After backtracking all the places he had been that day and not finding it we headed home. He was naturally very upset about losing it and kept exclaiming, "But I'm always so careful with it."

Charlie's hearing aids are digital and cost about $1000 a piece. Replacing it would be costly but we had decided that he definitely needed it and we would make the necessary arrangements for paying for a new one.

Remembering that God cared about the lost coin and the lost sheep we prayed that God would help us find the lost hearing aid. We had no idea when or where Charlie had been when it came out of his ear.

Saturday morning Charlie went back to the mission to look around for it. I stayed hat home making consolation chocolate mint cookies. (We all know that chocolate makes everything better.) I was praying the whole time that God would lead Charlie right to the exact spot where the hearing aid had fallen out.

Moments later the phone rang and Charlie rejoiced to tell me he had found it unharmed in the warehouse by the back door. He had looked in the warehouse several times the night before but had not noticed it by the back door because it was starting to get dark .

I am reminded of the Scripture Isaiah 65:24 "Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear."

Close Call.....

Yesterday evening Charlie and I were impressed how quickly life can change. We have been working all month on materials and supplies for earthquake victims in Haiti and now Chile .

What do you do when the very earth beneath you is shifting? We were just commenting to each other about how ironic it is for us to think we are in control of anything.

While we were driving I noticed that the car approaching us on our little country road looked liked it was veering into our lane. In a matter of a heartbeat we were on a collision course.

Before I could say, "Oh Jesus, Jesus, Jesus" the young driver looked up and steered her car back into her lane narrowly avoiding hitting us.

God is so good. Thank you for your love and support. We appreciate and depend on your prayers for us so much.

Charlie and Kathy
